Do not track
ABCS takes your privacy and the privacy of all our users very seriously. Any panelist can, at any time, opt-out of current and future projects.
1. We do not track cookies.
2. As 3rd party cookies are going to go away, the measurement and advertising industry is migrating to hashed email or Unified ID. Please enter your email here (we will not spam you) to remove yourself from ABCS’s database of hashed emails. The hashed emails are stored as 1-way hashes, which makes it impossible to reverse engineer back into a usable email address.
Also, you can email your preference to [email protected]
California Online Privacy Protection Act (CCPA): ABCS follows industry standards in not responding to a browser’s DNT setting, because we can not control the DNT handling of third party interactions such as Google Adwords, Google Analytics, and others.